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Donate to a worthy cause 


Empower Stronger Healers: Burned-out healers can't provide their best care. Your donation grants them a sabbatical, allowing them to return with renewed energy and focus, ultimately leading to better outcomes.


Break the Cycle of Self-Sacrifice: Healers often neglect their own needs. Your donation disrupts this cycle by providing resources for self-care, setting a precedent for prioritizing their own well-being. This creates a ripple effect, promoting a healthier culture within the healing professions.


Prevent Compassion Fatigue: Healers constantly give, leaving them vulnerable to emotional exhaustion. Your support provides a chance to recharge their empathy and passion for their work, ensuring they can continue serving their communities effectively.


Invest in Community Well-being: Healers are the backbone of a healthy society. By supporting their well-being, you're indirectly investing in the health of everyone they serve. A well-rested healer leads to a healthier community.

Marble Texture

Burned Out Healers Can't Heal Others.
Help Us Refuel Their Fire!

Healers United offers vital sabbaticals for those on the front lines of healing. These dedicated individuals pour their hearts into others, but often neglect their own well-being. Our vision is to create a sanctuary where healers can rest, recharge, and gain the resources and tools they need to return to their communities brimming with renewed energy.

With your donation, you can help:

Grant a well-deserved break to a healer facing burnout.

Provide a space for them to focus on their own healing and rejuvenation.

Equip them with valuable resources and tools to enhance their practice.

By supporting Healers United, you're not just giving back to one healer - you're investing in the health and well-being of countless individuals in their

About Healers United

Corporate Coach| Holistic Healer | Dynamic Executive Leader|Culture Transformer

I am SatRah (Rah), a Chickasaw and Cherokee seasoned professional with over two decades of expertise spanning Sales, Training, National & Global Marketing, and Business Operations within the medical device industry. Certified as a Product Management expert, I don't just lead; I orchestrate high-impact teams, navigating triumphs in decision-making with finesse. 

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From  PTSD Recovery to Resilience

I am Aysha “Coach” Bellamy and my journey began over 10 years ago as a disabled veteran navigating the path to rehabilitation. Through this experience, she discovered the unwavering strength within herself and the transformative power of community. This sparked a deep dedication to supporting others, particularly women in business.

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Chanelle Jones

I AM Chanelle, a pathfinder and oracle guiding souls towards self-love and liberation. Forged in the fires of rejection and judgment, I transformed my wounds into profound self-acceptance and boundless compassion. I offer loving leadership and innovative hospitality, creating a haven that transcends physical and mental well-being. Here, in this safe space, I empower individuals to embrace their vulnerabilities, cultivate self-acceptance, and embark on journeys of wholeness.

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Our Vision

 We believe that by empowering individuals to understand their own well-being, we can create a ripple effect of positivity in the world. Our focus on social-emotional learning skills, combined with our holistic approach to healing, sets us apart from traditional healthcare models and provides a more comprehensive and effective solution.

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